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Digestive Enzymes

Weight Loss and Stress Do Not Mix Well

Metabolic Balance, Digestive Issues, Mental HealthKaren SmithComment

Day in and day out we have stressors, and sometimes we just get bombarded. Life happenings sometimes leave us drained, strained and even harebrained! Whatever the life challenges - relationship issues, workload, financial hardships, school deadlines, parenting struggles, caring for an elderly or ailing family member, traumatic experiences, etc. they all cause physical, emotional, mental and physiological responses. Unfortunately increased hunger and weight gain can be among these responses. 


So here is the shake down. Increased stress causes the adrenal glands to release more stress hormones, adrenalin and cortisol. This is known as the “fight or flight” response.  This happens so the body can provide the extra physical energy and strength from stored carbs and fats needed to get the fight or flight done to save ourself. Though we don't have to run from lions, tigers or bears any too often, this physiological response to stress is hardwired within our make-up. The modern day stressors have us responding in the same way. Really it is a design of resiliency and a built-in protective mechanism. Increased cortisol levels also result in an impaired response to leptin, the hormone that makes us feel full. The poor response to the satiety hormone keeps us shovelling in the food.

With prolonged elevated levels of cortisol, our signals tell us we continually needs extra fuel. This extra fuel gets stored as fat around the abdomen, AKA, belly fat. Much to our dismay, so begins this vicious cycle. When we have long term stress, both insulin and cortisol remain elevated in the blood, and the extra glucose is stored as fat–mostly in the abdomen. Now what keeps this cycle going as that fat cells actually have special receptors for the stress hormone cortisol. A knewly learned fact is that there are more of these cortisol receptors in our abdominal fat cells than anywhere else in our bodies. It's like belly fat can be a living, breathing, growing monster!

What also factors in, is that when we are in "fight or flight" mode, we can not be in "rest & digest" mode. These two systems are supposed to be a balancing act, but when the "fight or flight" switch is constantly turned on there is no chance of the other to kick in.  Our body says, "Hoolah, we need all energy available to us to get the freak out of danger, digesting can wait." What is the fall out from that?  Stomach acid production and pancreatic enzyme secretions are decreased, resulting in poor digeston. This enables larger food particles lower in the digestive tract. Prolonged stress also leads to a breakdown of the small intestinal lining. The tight junctions become loose junctions within the intestines, AKA - leaky gut. This in turn results in food sensitivities. This can even occur with foods that previously caused no issue with you. Nutrient deficiencies also occur with the impaired digestion.

So with all this going on, what can be done about being in the throws of constant stress?

Be kind to yourself, don't get down on blaming yourself. How does this serve you? It does not! Recognize that you need extra care at this time and be easy on yourself. 

There are some things that we just have no control over. Take time to ask yourself "what is within my control and what is not?" When you can see what you do have control over, then you can work on adjusting these things things. 

Can you put aside some tasks, can you just let go of some things? Ask yourself, "How important is it right at this moment?" Can you ask for help? Most of us may find this difficult, as we are used to handling our own stuff. We are put on this earth in a family circle, a neighbourhood, a community, not on an isolated island, ask or at least accept help. Go for a massage, a reiki session, an infared sauna or any other rejuvenating alternative therapy, Go for a nature walk, meditate, listen to relaxation music. Of course, do seek emotional/spiritual support, a shoulder to lean or cry on, an extra ear or two to listen to and support you in your wows. Inquire about all available resources with your particular situation. 

When our adrenals are overtaxed, fatigued or flatlined, strenuous exercise is not a great idea at this time. Weight lifting, cardio can put added stress on the already comprimised adrenals. Instead opt for the nature walks, some yoga, or light stretches. Whatever you decide to do,  keep your heart rate under 90 beats per minute. A walk to get some fresh air after a meal is helpful.

If you normally do not take supplements, you may want to when you are facing some adversity in your life. There are herbals and certain minerals that help the adrenals replenish. Adaptogenic herbs, the B vitamins, Magnesium, Potassium, Niacinamide and adrenal glanulars are all helpful support. Taking a quality mutlivitamin is also essential as reduced adrenals also impact immune function, so you want to to be filing your tank. This is generally just an all around good practice in today's hectic world, as there are reduced minerals in our soil and added toxins in our environment. Life Sustainers has some excellant adrenal support supplements both in the store and available for home delivery on the Dispensary

Quality sleep is also key in coping with stress. Cortisol can remain elevated at night when it is supposed to decrease.  The unfortunate result is wakefulness, restless sleep, tossing and turning or waking and then being unable to get back to sleep. It is important to to get at least 8 hours of restful, deep sleep regularly. Cortisol blocks melatonin so it might be beneficial to take a melatonin supplement. There are some awesome herbals that help promote quality sleep. You may not need it normally, but during stressful life situations, assistance with getting better quality sleep helps you face the next day's events.  

Though you might be reaching for the caffeine, sugar or other vices, they only serve to deplete the body and add to the vicious cycle. Whole foods, organic foods help the body refuel with optimal nutrients.

I am a Metabolic Balance Coach, so this awesome plan helps to balance blood sugar and hormones. Metabolic Balance includes whole foods and helps people to lose weight. So if it the ususal everyday stress you are having to contend with, Metabolic Balance is an idea plan to help you eat healthily, balance hormones and blood sugar so you are better able to handle those daily stressors. When experiencing a full blown stressful life event, the last thing that you might be considering is how to lose weight. Metabolic Balance, is however, something to keep in mind when the storm calms and you are looking for a sure way to help rebalance your body and acquire a healthier status.